Support the SCSO via our Year-End Appeal
The SCSO is finally coming back after three long years!

Salvatore Atti, Headliner
Box Office: 916-808-5181 (Program Book)
Some tickets available at the door.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
(One performance only)
2:00 PM matinée
Memorial Auditorium (2019 Photos)
1515 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Guest Artist – Salvatore Atti, Tenor
Puppets – Green Valley Theatre Company
Christopher Cook – Designer
$18 – $53 – Students 50% Discount
Box Office: 916-808-5181
World première of new commission by Scott Perkins
Works by Rutter, Fry, Bradford, Handel, Bass, Willcocks
Santa plans to join us!
Some tickets available at the door.
Audience COVID Protocols
Proof of vaccination not required.
Masks highly encouraged but not required
SCSO Christmas CDs available at each performance
Come discover the recently renovated Memorial Auditorium
Radiant music for Christmas (2019 Photos)
Candlelit procession
Audience singalong
New and familiar choral orchestral holiday songs
Merriment guaranteed