Member Services

SCSO 2024-2025 Rehearsal and Concert Schedule (Season 29)

2024-2024 Concert Season Outline (PDF)

Follow Don Kendrick’s Health Updates via CaringBridge

SCSO Conductor Donald Kendrick welcomes you to our rehearsal space.

SCSO Fall 2023 Newsletter

2023-2024 Yearbook
Special thanks to Harry Kellogg

2023-2024 Season Brochure (PDF)
Special thanks to Diane McCormack

Good Shepherd Church
1615 Morse Avenue, Sacramento 95864

SCSO Chorus Marketing Checklist

National Chorus Operations Survey – August 2022 – Chorus America

Chorus Impact Study – June 2019 – Chorus America

Benefits of Singing – Chorus America

A Guide to Marking Your Scores
(Recommended by Don Kendrick)