Give through United Way
The SCSO – A United Way Partner
We encourage you to consider identifying the Sacramento Choral Society and Orchestra as your Charity of Choice during this year’s 2015 -2016 United Way Campaign.

Support the SCSO via United Way
Federal Tax ID: 94-3259903
Sacramento Choral Society & Orchestra
4025A Bridge Street
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Non-State Employees
The United Way 2015-2016 California Capital Region
Write in: Sacramento Choral Society
(SCSO Agency #: 00896)
State Employees
California State Employees Charitable Campaign
Write in: Sacramento Choral Society
(SCSO Agency #: 00896)
Metropolitan Arts Partnership (MAP)
(SCSO Agency #:6505)
The Sacramento Choral Society and Orchestra is a member of the Metropolitan Arts Partnership (MAP) organized by the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission. The SCSO is a listed agency capable of receiving dedicated United way funds.