Why Support the SCSO’s Singathon

The SCSO continues to earn respect and recognition throughout northern California for many reasons:

Fiscally sound since its origin 29 years ago.

Local professional caliber singers supported by local professional orchestra players. The SCSO is the only community Chorus (among 12,000 choruses) in the United Stated to have a Collective Bargaining Agreement with its own professional symphony orchestra.

Critical acclaim for extensive educational outreach in the community and innovative classical and casual programming

Moderate ticket prices for greater community access to live performance.

Outstanding outreach to students, the underprivileged, Veterans, other nonprofits such as Make-A-Wish, WEAVE, St. John’s Program for Real Change, Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Recent Awards

National and International Cultural Ambassadors for the Sacramento Region
(All tours are self-funded)

Please make your gift today!
The SCSO is a 501(c)-3 California educational non-profit; your donation may be tax-deductible.
Tax ID: 94-3259903.