Please help us reach our $60,000 goal with your tax-deductible donation.
(Funds raised serve as Matching Funds for our May 2, 2024 Big Day of Giving)
For the past 27 years, the SCSO Chorus has held its Singathon fundraiser to:
offset our Spring production expenses
defray our monthly fixed costs
boost our education and outreach efforts
4 EASY WAYS TO DONATE (Nonprofit 501 c (3) Tax ID: 94-3259903)
1. Donate online via Paypal or credit card.
(No need to have a Paypal account)
2. Scan Code to donate
3. Mail your donation payable to SCSO to:
4025 A Bridge Street
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
4. Make a Paypal or credit card donation by phone.
Simply call the SCSO Office at (916) 536-9065 between 10 AM and 4 PM. (M-F)
We value your ongoing friendship and support more than ever.